A day in the life...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Strength Finders Results

This test was made up ofabout a hundred questions which we completed in a specific time, online. Our results we sent to a lady named Kara Thompson, a YWAMer based in Las Vegas. She complied our results and came to Seattle to discuss the results. We disussed what they meant for us as individuals and also for us as a group.

It was a great tool for us to understand ourselves and oneanother better.

Here are my top five strengths, as identified though this and a short explanation of them,

1.DEVELOPER - Realising potential in others
You are drawn to people with the goal to see them succeed. You look for ways to help them grgow - and others seek you out because there is some understanding that your help is genuine and personally fulfilling.
You should partner with those who have INDIVIDUALISATION as a strength, they wll help you identlfy where a person's greatest strengths lie (your theme may lead you to encourage in areas where they lack real strength) *Avoid supporting those who are constantly struggling in their role.
-You seek out roles where my primary responsibilty is to facilitate growth (ie.teaching, coaching, managing)
-You notice when my associates grow and tell them specifically
-You make a point of mentoring and developing others

2.HARMONY - You have aggreement as a guiding value
As you look for the practical side of things you help others find a point to begin agreement. Your tolerance for different views and your ability to adjust are great assets (as long as there are no basic value clashes)
Partner with those who have a COMMAND/ACTIVATOR strength, they will help to confront conflict head-on (particulary in situatios where your efforts to bring resolve have been unsuccessful)
-You have the aility to see common ground between conflicted people and can asist by pointin gout commonalities.
-You can draw people together and your openess to differing perspectives will bring understanding to others.

3.EMPATHY - Instinctive ability to understand
You anticipate needs and questions, and have theability to ut into words what others are feeling, even when they cannot. You do not necessarily agree, condone or sympathise, but you understand - Others are drawn to this.
Partner with those who have a COMMAND/ACTIVATOR strength to help you take needed action especially when people's feelings may suffer.
Partner with EMPATHY strengths to check your observations are correct.
-You practise namin gyour feelings and those you observe in others - this allows people to work better together
-You build trust by letting others know that you know how they are feeling and over time refine your non-verbal communication skills.

4. RELATOR - Your attitude toward relationships: Relationship is valuable only when it is genuine!
YOu are more interested in character and personality than status or job title - this strength can serve as a model for others.
Partner with those who have WOO as a strength, for initial contacts...You are comfortable with intimacy - the more you share the more you risk! And the more you prove your care is genuine
-You help others to know each other better
-This trait is not for an overly formal organisation, a workplace that encourages friendship is best
-You learn about the people you meet (this is a catalyst for trusting relationships)
-You let your caring show (ie.Mentoring)

5. CONNECTEDNESS - Apart of something larger
YOur faith is strong and motivates you to responsibilty. Your perspective can be a comfort to others as you find meanin gin difficult events. You should partner with those with a COMMUNICATION strength, they can help you put into words the intuitive connections you sense.
-You are a bridge-builder for people of different cultures
-You can lead in building teams where each member feels important and you can help them see the big picture
-You should look at listening and counseling roles

YWAM Seattle's Philosophy of Ministry

Our ministry philosophy is based on a belief in the historic Christian faith and reflected in both the Apostles's Creed and the Nicrene Creed. In addition, the following words help to capture the values that continuallg guide out r lives and ministries:

Commuunity & Connectedness-
Our faith was never meant to be lived-out in isolation, but is best experienced and expressed as a body. God calls us to grow together, to serve together, to laugh and cry and learn together. Anything less is at best, empty religion.

Integrity & Authenticity-
Unless we are willing to be real with God and with each other, then we are spinning our wheels in terms of genuine spirituality. The more intimate, raw and honest our ministry becomes, the greater our impact will be on the emerging generation.

Equipping & Mentoring-
Empowering people to become who God wants them to be by helping them identify God's call on their lives, maximise their potential and intergrate them as a team. Relationship and personal accountability is key in this process.

Creativity & Flexibility-
In order to avoid stagnation and continue moving forward, we must always be innovative in our thinking and receptive in our attitude towards change. Our comunity should be one who can receive the new wine of God's Spirit without bursting, and at the same time preserve the rich foundations that preceded it.

YWAM Seattle is a community of people dedicated to producing mission-minded disciples.


This is a copy of the email I sent out, I just wanted to make sure anyone not on my list who is interested can read it!

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for your patience, I know i have not been faithful in keeping you updated with what's happening here in Seattle and for that I apologise. I am making a commitment to you that my blog will be updated much more regularly from this point, as this new season continues to unfold.

For now this is my update. It's quite long, just to warn you!

YWAM Seattle has decided not to run programs for the coming year. Many of us on staff have been here for many years and speaking personally I have felt drained by the pace and intensity of the DTS. It felt like my life was put on hold for 6 months while we ran the program. At first this didn't seem like a big deal, but over time this has created strained relationships not only within our YWAM community but especially in the wider community that we have built here in Seattle.

This does not fit at all with the Philosophy of ministry we have at YWAM Seattle (see my blog for detals of this), and I believe God has personally spoken to each one of us here about the inconsistency or seeming lack of integrity this shows our students. We are giving them a taste of community but not of a sustainable community. Not one they could ever hope to recreate in their homes or at their colleges or wherever they go after DTS. Not even one we are able to sustain after they leave.

I personally believe that true community is a very missional way to live and to share Christ with those who don't know him. I believe that we have a calling to develop our community as a tool and a foundation for our programs, especially DTS.

As staff we have not made much time to intentionally develop our community outside of working our programs together. We do not have to be intentional with one another because our schedules dictate we spend every waking second together for 6 months. Within that schedule however there does not seem to be much space to genuinely care for each other because of our time commitment to our students.

I hope this is making sense.

All that to say somewhere along the way, it seems like we lost our vision. Speaking personally, I felt lost in the DTS and trapped in running it the way it has always been run,. I know we run a good program here, but I also know it can and needs to be changed and made better in some areas. As staff we need to take a step back and do some learning and growing, make some mistakes and learn from them too. Make concious decisions about some key areas in our lives, so as we live life we can truly be transparent to each other, our students and our city. Trusting that God will be seen there.

To give myself some more structure for the coming season, and also to have an opportunity to work more closely with the local church here in Seattle, I am applying to intern with my church part time for the coming year. I know this will stretch and challenge me within areas of ministry and make me get out of my comfort zone too.

I would be working alongside the Missions Pastor as well as the woman who overseas church community. I am still talking with the head Pastor about exactly what this will look like but am so excited about what I will learn and how this time will infuse the new plans and ideas I/we have for the DTS next fall.

As part of my application to intern, I have to answer some questions about my life story and personal vision and goals etc. I have not spent much time refining these since I joined YWAM staff 4 years ago. It has been a great opportunity to really seek the Lord.

During our time together as a staff we have done personality tests and Strength finders as well as the spiritual gifts tests (I'll post some of my results on my blog, if you are interested!)

These tests or tools, have really been affirming to me in the choices I have made to be a part of YWAM staff. In light of the new decisions I am having to make, I have been re-examining them. Again, they have been useful in helping me make sense of my desire and vision for the soming year. Working alongside my church this year, the ideas I have for developing community and building connections for us as YWAM, and creating the DTS to be a place to help facilitate our students in developing community and connections as they serve are all things that are reflected in my core values and giftings.

This is turning into a very long email, so if you have read this far I really appreciate you sticking with it!

I will continue to update my blog regularly through this process and more than ever would love to hear your thoughts and ask for your prayers.

If you have questions please ask them. a BIG desire of mine is to really keep the connection I have with you and share what I am learning as well and continuing to learn from the ministry and community you share in Selsdon. (If you are not from SBC please ignore that sentence and just know how much you are appreciated, and how much I would love to hear your thoughts also)

We are renting the Grey house for this next year, and continuing to fund raise at this point with a view to buying it if possible next summer.

Thanks for reading, please check my blog for updates. Let me know what you think and tell me how you are doing. I will be back in Croydon for Christmas!!!

In His hands,
Chrissie x