A day in the life...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Snow and Bikini's

I have had the strangest couple of weeks. Life in Seattle has been busy work-wise as I have been putting together sldeshows and lunchoen's as a way to share about our Mississippi trip with the larger church congregation at Bethany. Tomorrow I will speak in all three services at and we will watch the slideshow, and then next Sunday the team and I will host the lunch and share more detailed stories of our time. I love being able to process our time and tell all about what God did in and through me in Mississippi, because it makes me understand more of God's power and love.

On a stranger note - what's up witht he weather? I am not sure what it has been like in England but last Saturday we had 80 degree weather in Seattle. I drove around with my friend Maggie in her convertable, we laid in the sunshine at the lake, andwere surrounded by bikini's and people swimming, and later we had a picnic as the sun went down over the water. Beautiful.

Today we had snow and hail. It was FREEZING, Colder than cold.

Also, on Tuesday I went to the multifaith day at the 'Seeds of compassion' conference. It was the day of the conference that was a panel discussion with The Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Rob Bell, as well as many other significant Spriitual figureheads. It was aconversation about how we grow and develop compassion in children and each person also shared about their personal understanding of compassion and how it manifests in their lives. It was really interesting to hear the perspectives of these amazing people. I have some big thoughts to process from this comference, I am still not sure what I think about the multifaith aspect. Is it really possible to join together with other faiths over issues where we believe God is the answer/giver/foundation and others seek inside themselves? I don't know? I guess if this nasty weather keeps up I can have lots of time snuggled underblankets to think about it - or maybe I will be at the lake or the beach drinking lemonade and thinking about it...In Seattle you never know.


Blogger Clayre Turner said...

sounds like Texas! Our weather suffers from extreme bi-polar disorder during all seasons except summer, when it's just plain hot!

9:00 PM  
Blogger Yames Returt said...

Ya, the multi-faith thing is a bit of a strange one. God has shown that in Christ are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The fullness of God is in Christ, who himself is the image of the invisible God.

The only way to live and to eternal life, is not to retreat inside, but rather to die, and to be raised/resurrected with Christ. That is the only way to live. Through dying.

However, we live in the age of relativism, and when I was a new-ager, I totally digged the Dalai Lama and others like him. But he would have led to my death. Jesus is the way and the truth. And nomatter what people say, nothing can be done against the TRUTH.

Your SA brother in Christ, James.

7:17 AM  

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