
I decided that this year for Lent I would give up sugar. I am still eating fruit, bread and other food which sugar is hidden in but I am not eating desserts, chocolate, icecream or having sugary syrups in coffee etc, you get the point. (And suddenly I am hungry)
I did this last year too and found it much harder than I imagined. Although I considered giving up something different this year to "mix things up a little", I confess I was really searching for a way to make Lent less of a sacrifice and well, really that defeats the point.
Giving up something which I enjoy and I have to be mindful to refuse is a wonderful reminder for the season of Lent. Making the choice not to eat sugar helps me remember the suffering of Jesus. Now, I am not for one moment comparing my cadbury free 40 days with Jesus suffering, I am simply saying that in the moments when I make the choice not to eat something smothered in whipped cream I am reminded to think about Jesus.
I recognise my weakness and sin and in that moment allow God's Spirit to transform a little bit more of my heart and I understand a little bit more what Christ's suffering means for my life.
"Now, I am not for one moment comparing my cadbury free 40 days with Jesus suffering"
Good thing you clarified. For a split second I thought that was EXACTLY what you were doing. :)
I am so glad you are blogging again!
We want to hear about your engagement!!! - details pls xx
Jesus Christxxx
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