A day in the life...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas music

America and England are not the same place. I know this, but sometimes I am reminded in the funniest ways, One, that gets me every year is our different Christmas music. Firstly, we sing Christmas carols to different tunes. I think I have more or less got the US tunes figured out now, but it's an adjustment when you have sung something every year forever and suddenly you have to sing up when you have always sung down?!...anyway, we will see how I do switching back for Christmas in England this year?!

What is more sad to me however, is the omission of some of my favourite Christmas songs from playlists here. I understand that not ever song that was a hit in the UK crosses over the pond with the same following, but there are some classics that you, my American friends are missing out on.

One aspect of Christmas songs that is not carried over here, is the race for the Christmas number 1. I will try and educate you, and I hope this will bring forth understanding, as education should. Each Christmas the most popular bands wait and release their attempt for the Christmas number 1 right at the last minute, what is a more perfect stocking filler than a CD single? However, this highly contested number 1 spot, also has the old school, mum's favoutries releasing singles too, and then the novelty entiries. All together, this makes for a very interesting race. Here are a few favourites and examples of songs that either got the Chrisstmas number 1 spots, were fierce contenders or are simply glam rock classics that we as a nation refuse to let die. Enjoy!!

Weather report and Christmas music

On Saturday I was home all day recovering from a flu bug,, this could have been a very sad day, but it wasn't and the reason it wasn't was that I got to sit inside snuggled up and watch out the window as the snow fell. Everywhere was white, and it looked magical. It is a precious gift that this blanket of white can make even the most urban environment just so beautiful.

The snow was pretty much gone by the following morning however, when the rains descended. More water than I have ever seen fell from the sky over the past two days. I considered building an ark, just incase.

Yesterday, it felt like every phone call I received was another friend telling me their room or house had flooded. There were crowds in every store that rented any kind of wet vacs, and plumbers still have a long wait list. There is a big wet mess to clear up in Seattle.

The basement at the church flooded, an inch of water across the whole floor! The staff worked hard scooping water out of the window wells and sucking up the excess water with wet vacs. It was an all day job and the de humidifiers are still on today trying to get the space back to useable. We have out home'ess womens shelter there 4 nights a week, and it is used for many other things through the week. Please pray for speedy drying and pray hard that teh musty smell soon goes away too!!

My room is in a basement and had a litte water int he corner along one wall but the carpet is up and the under lay is drying - Thanks the Lord!

Today has been really windy but the rain has been less constant so I am hoping we are through the worst of the storms now. Please pray for Seattle to stay safe and dry this winter.

On a happier note, I have been listening to Christmas music all day today, I LOVE it!! Who cannot be happy when Christmas music is playing "I wish it could be Christmas every day, so let the bells ring out for Christmas"