Strength Finders Results

This test was made up ofabout a hundred questions which we completed in a specific time, online. Our results we sent to a lady named Kara Thompson, a YWAMer based in Las Vegas. She complied our results and came to Seattle to discuss the results. We disussed what they meant for us as individuals and also for us as a group.
It was a great tool for us to understand ourselves and oneanother better.
Here are my top five strengths, as identified though this and a short explanation of them,
1.DEVELOPER - Realising potential in others
You are drawn to people with the goal to see them succeed. You look for ways to help them grgow - and others seek you out because there is some understanding that your help is genuine and personally fulfilling.
You should partner with those who have INDIVIDUALISATION as a strength, they wll help you identlfy where a person's greatest strengths lie (your theme may lead you to encourage in areas where they lack real strength) *Avoid supporting those who are constantly struggling in their role.
-You seek out roles where my primary responsibilty is to facilitate growth (ie.teaching, coaching, managing)
-You notice when my associates grow and tell them specifically
-You make a point of mentoring and developing others
2.HARMONY - You have aggreement as a guiding value
As you look for the practical side of things you help others find a point to begin agreement. Your tolerance for different views and your ability to adjust are great assets (as long as there are no basic value clashes)
Partner with those who have a COMMAND/ACTIVATOR strength, they will help to confront conflict head-on (particulary in situatios where your efforts to bring resolve have been unsuccessful)
-You have the aility to see common ground between conflicted people and can asist by pointin gout commonalities.
-You can draw people together and your openess to differing perspectives will bring understanding to others.
3.EMPATHY - Instinctive ability to understand
You anticipate needs and questions, and have theability to ut into words what others are feeling, even when they cannot. You do not necessarily agree, condone or sympathise, but you understand - Others are drawn to this.
Partner with those who have a COMMAND/ACTIVATOR strength to help you take needed action especially when people's feelings may suffer.
Partner with EMPATHY strengths to check your observations are correct.
-You practise namin gyour feelings and those you observe in others - this allows people to work better together
-You build trust by letting others know that you know how they are feeling and over time refine your non-verbal communication skills.
4. RELATOR - Your attitude toward relationships: Relationship is valuable only when it is genuine!
YOu are more interested in character and personality than status or job title - this strength can serve as a model for others.
Partner with those who have WOO as a strength, for initial contacts...You are comfortable with intimacy - the more you share the more you risk! And the more you prove your care is genuine
-You help others to know each other better
-This trait is not for an overly formal organisation, a workplace that encourages friendship is best
-You learn about the people you meet (this is a catalyst for trusting relationships)
-You let your caring show (ie.Mentoring)
5. CONNECTEDNESS - Apart of something larger
YOur faith is strong and motivates you to responsibilty. Your perspective can be a comfort to others as you find meanin gin difficult events. You should partner with those with a COMMUNICATION strength, they can help you put into words the intuitive connections you sense.
-You are a bridge-builder for people of different cultures
-You can lead in building teams where each member feels important and you can help them see the big picture
-You should look at listening and counseling roles
Hi Chrissie Have read your account with interest. You have some great strengths! This is just to let you know that I have read your email, etc. and I will write a letter to you soon.
Keep looking up! Much love Meryl xxxx
Wow that was right on the money!
Thanks for your recent updates. You are in my prayers and I will continue to lift you up as God reveals to you what He has in store for you. Seattle needs to brace itself for what is coming because God is going to impact those around you through YWAM Seattle. I am so glad that you are continuing to be a light to that community! Keep it up!
P.S. I am STOKED about your internship!! That will be amazing!
that was me...Clayre
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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