Post Church thoughts...

I am always frustrated by how quickly the new ideas, thoughts and teaching seems to seep out of my brain as I leave church on Sunday. I am hoping that writing this blog will help me retain some of tonights message and help me apply it practically to my life.
Tonight I was the final sermon from II Samuel, and the series on the life of David we (Bethany Community Church, Seattle) have been doing since last winter. The message was from II Samuel, chapter 22 "David's last Song"
There were lots of good points but i just want to share a couple that i have been left thinking through. The first one if that David knew the reality of God's provision, and that it is only in our moments of need, that we cry out and can truly know His provision. If we live a life of safety it can make us complacent and arrogant, but if we always live a little beyond what we can do alone we will know God as he comes and meets us in our need as he provides.
How easy it is to live in comfort, I know I do a lot, hold back from dreaming big with God because of fear of what that might mean, and fear that I am unable to make it happen for myself. When that is exactly where God wants be to be. Standing with my hands raised, palms open, vulnerable and desperate for Him.
The other thought which i really appreciated was about the story of our lives and how God works to weave that with us. In II Sam 22, so many times David talks about how he has done something "I chased my enemies and destroyed them", (38) but at the same time as being grateful to God, he names him as his source, "you have armed we with strength for the battle" (40) Back and forth, David is thankful of what he was able to do, and acknowledging God as the source. It really is such an amazing illustration of God weaving the stories of our lives together with us. Stories of gratitude and transformation.
Rarely does God give us specific answers to the big questions we ask of him about our lives, but he will give us the next step to take and as we are obedient we learn more about God's character in each step. When I look back on my life, what are the final words I will be singing? Will i have chosen a safe life, or will i look back on a life of adventure with God? I hope it can be in the same vein as David, that even though i am far from perfect, I will know and face the consequencs of my human faliure, but still recognise God's hand firmly on my life, and praise Him for the blessings I have known, and the story he wrote with my life.
Please Lord, give me courage to go where you send me, to love those who croos my path and to be the woman you had in mind when you created me.
Hi Chrissie It was just lovely to see you again and am glad to know you are safely back in Seattle, even though there are lots of decisions to make.
It seems good that the DTS may last a big longer, certainly for the team to have a bit more time to think things through before returning home. They will have experienced so much and have such mixed emotions as they switch from one culture to another.
Thank you so much for sharing your Sunday with us. I love the 'Bible' David, too. He teaches us a lot. Mike has recently done a series of home group studies for us here. The last one we did was on Peter. He also had so many major ups and downs! It is really encouraging for us to know that, despite everything, almost Jesus's last words to him were 'Follow Me'. He understood and loved Peter, as He does us! PTL!
I will be praying for you in your life there and in the decisions you need to make.
Take care, Lots of love, Meryl xxxx
Hi Chrissie
Glad you are safely back in Seattle. It was good to see you when you wre back in the UK and I appreciated you giving me time to catch up with ypu and to share what is on yor heart.
I pray that God will confirm again the things he is saying, and that he will show you ways to develop your gifts that they may be the more useful in his service. I pray that you will be growing, deepening and maturing in his wonderful love.
You are in our prsayers and our love goes out to you
Mike Elcome - Pastor, Selsdon Baptist Church.
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