A day in the life...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Wedding fun and Mission Adventures keep me busy

Things here are still very undecided, but we had a welcome distraction when 2 of our former students got married, and 16 of the 21 other students came in for the wedding!

Thought you would like to see a few pictures,
Here are some of us all dressed up fancy

This is the view of Mount Rainier from the reception venue. On a clear day I can see this mountain from where I live, but we always see it from the other direction. It was a perfect day, and the mountain was breath taking as you can see.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouraging words, I look forward to sharing with you soon some of what God has been showing me.
Hope your day was as beautiful and sunny as mine!


This afternoon and evening I was at the church where we are hosting Mission Adventures. Our first 2 teams arrived on Sunday and are here for 10 days. There are about 30 students here, please keep them in your prayers as they spend time in lectures, playing games and also serving the city in many different ways. Please pray they are stretched, and that they have to rely on God during this time. That this trip really changes them as individuals as well as those they meet, serve and love in Seattle. Please pray that the lessons they learn and the growth in relationships with God will be lasting.

I am spending quite some hours over the coming weeks, in the kitchen making and clearing up meals. The temperature are climbing here in Seattle, into teh high 90's this week. Please pray for all of us as we cope with the heat! Please pray it is not a distraction, and that we will choose to keep good attitudes and hearts towards one another! SOmetimes crazy heat can make me pretty crabby!

Monday, July 02, 2007

and now for something completely different

It is with a sad but peaceful heart that I let you all know that we have decided not to run a DTS this autumn.

We have been contacting all of the prospective students and letting them know, please be praying for spiritual protection for them as they deal with the consequences of this decision. We do not want this to be a place for the enemy to discourage them, but a time for them to draw close to God.

We hope that they will go on to do a DTS at another location, and have been recommending them to a couple that we know have similar vision and location to us. However, I am aware of how much goes into choosing a location in the first place and want to continue to be sensitive as I have conversations with the students in this time.

As a base, the coming year will look very different as we head out in different directions. We want to continue to meet together, encouraging one another at the same time as learning together and growing as staff.

I was having a hard time feeling a little lost in this whole decision, even though I see that we do not have the staff to run a DTS, I still feel like that leaves me lots of open space. A colleague reminded me hat as we are training and discipling others it is key to keep refining and growing personally. I desire to know God in a deeper way in this time, and I know that God will use that to bring fruit.

Please be praying for me as I look ahead to this year and set some personal goals and refine my vision, at the same time as I live and serve this city and my community. I am excited for what this year could be, and also scared that it seems so open. My church has started a series of teaching called 'breathe', alternating the teaching from topics of 'inhaling' activities, such as reading the bible and solitude, and 'exhaling' ones such as generosity and hospitality.

Last night, the message was on hospitality. The Pastor was able to give me a new perspective on the idea of hospitality. He said it was less about cultivating long-term relationships, that is friendship; hospitality is about bridging the gap and sharing life with people you wouldn't necessarily be in relationship without some intentionality. Having someone over for dinner, or simply having conversation where you really listen and really share with someone. That is hospitality. Knowing people without labels, as soon as we put someone on a box, we are no longer practicising hospitality; we are not knocking down walls, but building them up. I am excited to learn more as this series continues, and believe that God has given me this time to really learn more about myself, and the person he has created me to be.

I hope this makes sense, but realise it may not. Please email me if you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them.