A day in the life...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas in November?

As you know I am interning part-time at Bethany Community Church with their Missions Pastor. There are 6 other interns, Susanne, Brandon and Evy working with Youth, Kelly with children's ministries, Katie with worship and Caroline with Art ministries. The 7 of us have very different schedules and do not have any time during the week that we can even meet consistantly because of it, so although we see each other in passing or at meetings, we are never (or almost never) in the same room at the same time.

We have been trying to get together and have some 'intern time' for a while, and in a fluke of planning discovered we were all free this past Saturday afternoon. We had planned to take Christmas pictures to be the theme of our next issus of the 'Intern-al journal' (yes, I did suggest the name, can you tell?!) It is a monthly newsetter which gets put out to the congregation and our friends and family. We thought what better place to take the pictures than Saturday when we would all be together - we could even take one of all of us to make a Christmas card for the other staff at Church -Yes, we are very creative!

When we realised we would be posing for Christmas pictures we thought why not go the whole hog and have a Christmas party, which is what we did. We went to Kelly's apartment made gingerbread houses and iced Christmas cookies and listened to Christmas music. Very festive!!!

Here are a couple of pictures, this is the work station, look at all the effort going into the gingerbread houses! (L-R Suzanne, Amanda who is not an intern but lives with Kelly and is dating Brandon so she is as close as it gets!, Caroline and Brandon)

This is me posing with my gingerbread man Christmas cookie,

Katie and I pose with our gingerbread house/mobile home!!