A day in the life...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

more pics...

We were in Zambia during rainy season - this picture does not do justice to the downpours we experienced!!

This is Eunice, she is 7 years old but because of malnutrition she is so small. She went to the school at the church we worked with and so we saw her most days, she was so timid at first but by the end she would always smile when she saw us.

Our last couple of days in Zambia we went to Livingstone. We went on a walking safari - yes that is us just a few feet away from 2 Rhinos!!!

Zambia Pictures

Finally I am back with my computer, so here are a few pics from our time in Zambia.
Here is a picture of me with Pastor Jacob, his wife Annie and their family. We atayed with them for a few nights, it was a lot of fun to get to experience real family life.

This is us telling a story at one of the schools we visited. As you can see the school was very basic, it didn't even have 4 walls and the seats were made from branches. We LOVED the children we met.

This was another school we went to.

Our team was invited to a wedding while we were there, so we all got dressed up! Quite a change from the grubby work clothes we wore the rest of the time!! We scrub up pretty well.

We lived on a farm 20 minutes outside of town, there were 2 families who lived and worked there with us. We got pretty close to them, especially the kids, here in a picture with me and Mwansa, the boy, Rachel, the oldest daughter, and Francesca the little girl.