It's September already!
It's September, and in my head this marks the start of a new year - I have just never left 'School year' mode.
I am excited to let you know that my internship with Bethany Community Church begins this week! I am so looking forward to this new challenge and work environment. I am working with the MIssions Pastor, Chris and the College and Community Pastor, Megan.
I had a meeting this morning and we discussed the needs that they have and the time commitments for those, to try and make a schedule of some sort for my week. The Internship involves also attending the weekly staff meetings, meeting one on one with the Pastors I am working with and also a Theology meeting each week. I look forward to having some more input in my week.
It looks like my main responsibility will be developing local missions in the community around the church. I will be putting teams together and training, briefing and de-breifing them as they serve. I hope to develop opportunities for all ages in the church community to be involved in serviing.
This is a pretty broad description, but I hope as I get started, as i meet with people and begin to have conversations, it will take a more specific shape. I am also excited to work with other areas of the church, in the Sunday school and college ministry talking about missions and living a missional life.
With the rest of my time, I am involved in YWAM meetings and discussing our future. I am beginning to meet regularly with a couple of other staff to really pray and focus on the DTS program. We have LOTS to do to get the program up and running the way we want for next year, but I believe God will be leading us in the direction we need to go, and trust that it to His hands.
So I am in the posture of taking a deep breath, poised with anticipation, knowing things are about to really pick up pace!
I look forward to running the next year with you!
sounds busy!! How exciting though! my parents are in charge of reshaping our college ministry and we have a kick off in a couple of weeks! I am excited.
i wish we could steal you to come work on our missions's lame! hehe.
I love you!
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