A day in the life...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I still can't believe how fast this year has flown by. As the things get ticked off my list, I have a revelation that very soon, all the pages of applications in files in the office will become people in front of me! People from all over the place, physically from across the country and a few across the globe, but also spiritually and emotionally. Each person will arrive telling their own story.

I think I have refined how I see our role as staff. The more I am a part of this program, the more I am challenged and motivated by the idea of becoming whole in Christ.

I have been on a wild ride as I have been seeking this in my life. Searching for God's healing and transformation, to understand myself better. To be able to look at my life experiences and challenge things in my own thoughts and behaviour that do not fit with God's plans. It has been a painful journey at times, and has taken effort on my part, and a strength that can only have come from God.

I am not saying I'm done, or fixed, (I am not sure I ever will be before heaven), but I do know I am more whole now. I see how people have loved me to this place. I see how God has walked with me. Given me revelation of my own heart when I asked, and also forgiven me. I know he cries with me, but I also know He rejoices with me in the freedom which is found as a result.

I feel more broken and raw than ever...A part of me is scared that will mean I can't do a good job leading this school, but God tells me it'll be our best work yet?! I have confidence in who God makes me to be. I know this is where he has brought me.

This morning in our meeting Zach talked about how we must be confident to ask good questions as staff. He used examples from Genesis when God asks Adam and Eve where they are. In this case it was a physical place, but for each of us we must be asking ourselves and each other where we are in our walk with God, and where we are with the struggles we have. He also talked about the story in the gospels of the woman at the well and how Jesus asked her really good questions, which revealed her heart. But then later, how the disciples failed to ask Jesus why he had been talking to her. They missed out on hearing that amazing story and learning more about the Kingdom because they didn't ask.

As staff I want us to be good at asking questions, helping students to process, verbally or just thoughtfully through the things in their lives. I look forward to this weekend when we will have a training session about asking questions, I am sure we'll all learn a lot. I believe this is such an important step in them walking in the freedom of wholeness with Christ.


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